Friday 9 August 2019

Foods That Promote Oral Health

Your child’s overall dental health is affected significantly by the stuff that they eat and drink. Excessive consumption of starch (such as pretzels and potato chips), carbohydrates, and sugary foods (like candies, cookies, cake, etc.) could lead to tooth decay. The main reason that determines how much these foods will have adverse effects on teeth is how long these food items stay on the teeth.

It is responsibility of parents to do their best to educate their kids about dental health care and teach them to have healthier food habits. Nurturing such habits from a very young age will go a long way, as dental health helps maintain overall health of body as well.

Here are some tooth-friendly food suggestions that will help promote your kid’s oral health:


Parents should consider serving their kids cheese, including Monterey cheese, cheddar, swiss cheese and other ages cheeses, as health snack option or with meals. Cheese triggers flow of the saliva which helps wash away the remains of food particles from the teeth and the gums.

Fruits and Vegetables

Rather that serving or allowing your kids to have unhealthy snacks containing sugar and carbohydrates, you should serve them fruits for snacks. The best options are high water-content veggies such as pear, melons, cucumber, and celery.
You should encourage these healthy food habits in your kids and follow them yourself as well. Additionally, you should also consider taking Liberty Medicaid Dental Emergency for times that you or your kid faces dental emergencies.